A Bit About Images & Conversion Optimization

Reading Time: 5 minutes What role do images play in your conversion rate? The quickest way to find the answer might be to check AB test results from around the web. But when you do, you find that it’s not an easy answer at all. If you search long enough, you’re likely to find as many results showing conversion […]

Conversion Optimization Through Storytelling – Without Really Trying

Reading Time: 5 minutes No website is optimized that doesn’t relate to its customers. Even the most secret space program intranet site, used only by the highest-functioning rocket scientists, must relate to that audience if it is to achieve its goal. Relating to Your Customers So conversion optimization comes from making your website or landing page more relative to your […]

Improving Website Navigation: How re-designing website navigation increased conversions by 50%:

Reading Time: < 1 minute Many companies don’t realize the importance of continuously evaluating the website from the visitor’s perspective. The catch is that it’s never “one type of visitor.” Considering where and how customers will pick up “scent” (the trail for conversion) varies from one market segment, buying stage, and persona to the next. Last week, Khalid and I […]

How To Design High Converting Landing Pages

Reading Time: 4 minutes The thought of working backwards is counter-intuitive to most humans. From birth, everything we learn and every example we are given about how to get from point A to point B, whether it be on an actual journey, or eating dinner, or building a house; tells us to start at the beginning, follow the right […]

9 Essential Tips for E-commerce Category Pages to Increase Conversion Rates

Reading Time: 6 minutes Every wonder how you determine the overall effect the optimization of one group of pages will have on the overall website? If I run a test on category pages and see a 30% uplift – it will not be reflected overall throughout the site; i.e. you won’t see 30% uplift in your overall conversion rate. […]

The Three E’s of Conversion Rate Optimization

Reading Time: 6 minutes What’s the answer? When you are trying to maximize website and landing page conversion rates, the problem is that it’s nearly impossible to even know what is the question. Do you use the results and advice that comes from of all the great conversion rate optimization, A/B testing and analysis you find around the web? […]

How to Develop a Unique Selling Proposition

Reading Time: 4 minutes The character of Don Draper, the dapper protagonist of the multi-Emmy Award winning program Mad Men, is a composite drawn in part from a number of real-life advertising people. Draper’s professional accomplishments are said to be based on those of Rosser Reeves. Among other notable contributions to the profession, Reeves helped develop the idea that […]

How Triggers Add Focus to Your AB Testing

Reading Time: 6 minutes In the simplest terms, your customers choose to buy from you because of what makes you and/or your products different. If they find no difference between you and your competition, they have no mechanism with which to make a purchase decision. They have no trigger to buy. Understanding that simple fact can bring time-saving focus […]

The Rut That Ruins Your Conversion Rates

Reading Time: 4 minutes How can your conversion optimization project be in a rut? You have an ongoing AB testing program, you stay on top of your analytics’ conversion goals, bounce rates, traffic sources, etc., and you know which are your best performing digital marketing channels. You’re set. And there’s the rut. You’re never set. Everyone knows how fickle […]