How to Create a Unique Selling Proposition for e-Commerce (With Examples)

Reading Time: 10 minutes Never before have we had so many eCommerce brands. The barrier to entry in the eCommerce space has never been lower.  At the same time, the eCommerce failure rate has never been so high.  8 out of 10 eCommerce businesses don’t make it.  Being able to position themselves differently still remains the most challenging hurdle faced by most eCommerce […]

How to Write Value Propositions for eCommerce Websites 

Reading Time: 8 minutes I have a quick exercise for you.  Go on Google and search for your product(s).  Chances are, you will see dozens if not thousands of options that your potential customers could choose from.  Some of these options are substandard. Some of them are just as good as yours. And, if you are, to be honest, […]

10 Ways to Increase Conversions In Your D2C eCommerce Store

Reading Time: 15 minutes The year is 2020.  The world is crippled by a pandemic outbreak. Brick-and-mortar stores have been forced to close, and visitors are stuck to their devices now more than ever before. Online shopping is only growing. This of course triggers technological advancement and growth within eCommerce. We have seen an explosion in the number of […]

This is how people make decisions (with real life examples)

Reading Time: 7 minutes There is no such thing as an impulse purchase.  Just because something is “inexpensive” doesn’t mean it’s an impulse decision.  Just because someone tends to purchase suddenly doesn’t mean they are making those decisions impulsively.  They’ve gone through a purchase journey – may be faster than others, but they have.  This customer thought that his […]

Designing a Loyalty Program that works for your Brand 

Reading Time: 10 minutes In a world where there are tons of brands providing loyalty programs, have you ever wondered why consumers are becoming less loyal to the brand and more loyal to the program? I’m not, by any means, downsizing the importance of loyalty programs to brands –it is no secret that they do have their own sets […]

11 Customer Service Psychology Secrets that go Down the Funnel, Not Down the Drain

Reading Time: 15 minutes One major trait that defines top-notch customer service is understanding consumer behavior –the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the activities associated with the purchase, use, and disposal of goods and services, including the consumer’s emotional, mental and behavioral responses that precede or follow these activities. Creating a product that customers cherish is […]

How to Optimize E-commerce Customer Service and Support for More Conversions?

Reading Time: 13 minutes Quick question: On your eCommerce list of daily priorities that should never be ignored, where do you rank your customer service or customer support?  Does it come first? Or second? Or maybe it’s not even on the list of priorities?   I know that it’s easy to think of eCommerce customer service and customer support as […]

How To Connect With Users Emotionally

Reading Time: 18 minutes Let’s start with some customer loyalty stats 65% of business comes from existing customers  Repeat customers spend 33% more.  The cost of getting new customers is five times higher than retaining old ones.  It’s a great thing to have your customers come back for more.  Unfortunately, gaining their loyalty isn’t easy. Nowadays, choices are overflowing, […]

Google Analytics 101: A Simple Guide For Beginners

Reading Time: 13 minutes So it’s been a year since I started playing around with Google Analytics.  I vividly remember my very first day – I had no clue what the tool was all about, and I didn’t really know the importance of data in the world of marketing. What I thought was Digital Marketing, wasn’t really DM, but […]

Compliance gaining: What is it and how it can generate higher conversions?

Reading Time: 11 minutes We, marketers, keep our eyes glued on analytics dashboard and crunch numbers all day long inside our heads, so we get a bit obsessed with numbers. And it’s a good thing.  However, we don’t do business with pixels on our screen. We do business with our audience. Real people.  They are just like you and […]